Psychedelic Earth Medicine.

Psychedelic Earth medicines are allies in opening the aperture of our consciousness.

One way that psychedelic Earth medicines serve us is as de-conditioning agents. The conditioning of our body-mind is something that happens to us throughout our life consciously and sub-consciously. One way of thinking about this is that the hardware of our brain and nervous system has downloaded programs from our environment and culture that each affect how our body and mind operate. The way that we see and experience reality is largely - and in some cases entirely - dictated by the network of programs that have been installed in our body-mind. In other words, there are entirely different ways of experiencing reality that are unavailable to us without some degree of re-programming or shifting of our consciousness. 

The mind-body programs that live within us and influence how we experience reality can either be in alignment or out of alignment with living in harmony with Life. When our programming is out of alignment psychedelics can be helpful allies in temporarily lifting the veil constructed by this mis-aligned programming of our body-mind. With the lifting of this veil, our Essential Nature can reveal itself more clearly and thus serve as a template to re-pattern us both consciously and sub-consciously into alignment with Truth in service of freedom, connection, and living harmoniously with and as Life. This “re-patterning” of our body-mind by the template of our Essential Nature is what many wisdom traditions refer to as Remembering.

Note that I work primarily with psychedelic mushroom medicine and therefore the perspectives that I am sharing here are explicitly in reference to this medicine and based on my own experiences as well as accounts of the experiences of others.