Earth Medicine.
Our Earth is an Artist, a Teacher, and is truly our Mother. Over the course of about 4.5 billion years, we have evolved from our Mother Earth to walk amongst her as human beings. Knowing this truth intellectually is as important as knowing this truth in a deeply felt and intuitive way. The work we will do together will involve touching into this knowing in order to support healing the wound of separation from our Mother Earth as well as to receive wisdom and guidance from her.
Medicine is anything that brings us closer to living in resonance with our Essential Nature and in harmony with the Earth and the Universe. For example, song, play, dance, and prayer are each their own medicine.
There are two general ways we can work with Earth medicine; both I refer to as “tuning to the frequency of Nature”.
The first method involves immersing ourselves in the wilderness and practicing various ways of being together. This could be singing, meditation, prayer, play, dance, silent observation, contemplation, or being in generative conversation together. This way of being with Earth would be explored together in a Medicine Walk.
The second method involves immersing Earth in ourselves. In other words, inviting sacred Earth medicine into our body to allow biochemical and biophysical transformations to occur to expand our consciousness and, in a sense, get out of our own way to allow our spontaneous healing. This way of being with Earth would be explored together in a Medicine Walk or a Psychedelic Journey.
“We are the Earth and we are always carrying her within us. Realizing this, we can see that the Earth is truly alive. We are a living, breathing manifestation of this beautiful and generous planet.” - Thich Nhat Hahn